
As a service we recruit a small number of new mature trainees each year. Having completed your Level 2 and 3 courses you will be enrolled on your Level 4 ‘Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling’ and looking to undertake your 100 hours of client work.

Where possible we like to work with and support students through their final two years of training, helping to provide a supportive environment, overseen by an experienced and highly qualified supervisory therapist and the centre management team.

In recruiting new trainees, we’re looking for individuals committed to their training and working with / supporting clients, you will be expected to have a good understanding of the ethical framework of the BACP and committed to upholding it’s highest standard at all times.
All trainees are provided with induction training (here we explore a wide range of topics including contracting, managing boundaries, client management, service policies and procedures, safeguarding and much, much more).

As a service we are focused on supporting you in your migration for classroom experience to working with clients.

As part of our ongoing support, you will receive regular one-to-one management supervision, take part in regular peer group workshops and be provided with all the tools you need to work independently with your clients in a managed and structured environment.

Trainees working within the service will have their BACP membership fees paid and on successfully completing and passing the course will have access to our ‘pathway to practice’, a program aimed at taking you from being a student into that of an affiliate therapist.

If you’re interested in joining us then simply complete the form by clicking on the “Register Now” button below.

As part of our recruitment service all students will be interviewed and required to submit evidence of qualifications and experience to date. You must have insurance and be a member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy